I contemplated the intense boredom that would ensue (mainly for myself!) if I simply rattled off song titles day after day for a month straight. After all, there is living to do right? And how could I possibly neglect Sunny day stories, and movie rav-iews if I was busy hunting down musical tid-bits?
Sooo.... every Tuesday for the next 30 days is now Tunesday. Mmmmhmm!
And, on that list, perhaps the hardest bullet-point to placate. What is your least favourite song? Mmmm??
What's the frequency Kenneth? Source |
I know there are plenty that make me squirm, lots that make me flick the dial over, and many that cause me to break out in a rash, and take 'ill to bed for days on end'. But that said, even with my utter distaste for a particular piece of musical vom, I am still wary of slapping them up on here, for all (well, perhaps a few) to peruse, and consider as my most hated smoragsbord of bad music.
After all, there is someone, somewhere, who wrote and sang, and recorded that piece of musical filth. They are sitting in a faux leather lounger someplace, drinking (I would imagine) artificial grape soda , with some or other dirty reality-tv show humming in the background and thinking to themselves "Damn! Musical magic, right there! I'm da' bomb!" (and yes, they would be inarticulate enough to actually say that!)
So, as much as I may consider these musical monstrosities 'heinous' in every vowel happy connotation of the word, I will refrain from smashing their purple-soda drinking dreams, by stating, that in fact, their song would do well to line to bowels of my not-so-pleasant garbage bin. After all, each to their own, everyone can have their taste and eat it too, and besides, who am I to say that I have an impeccable musical palate? (Damn right I do, but for argument's sake, let's at least consider it.)
So, you 'movin'-on-up' people of the world, enjoy your sodas, kick back on your faux leather lounger, and bask, my dear musical mudflaps, in the glory of your creations. My intense loathing of your musical massacres shall remain unspoken.
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Movin' on up, you're movin....
Love, love ..xx
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