
Tuesday 19 July 2011


I've decided that this whole 30 days, 30 songs thing is not cool. (Sorry if you were the genius who came up with this idea), but I feel rattled by the whole thing.  I am not that great with expectations and guidelines. I'm a tangent kinda person, and this whole categorising thing just isn't working for me.  And this is my blog, so I decide!

So, Tunesday stands, as music is just freakin' rad, and there are so many awesome musical adventures to be had, but now, as I mentioned, I decide. Got it? Good.


This whole album is just knocking my socks off the more I listen.  Yes, I was well aware of it when it came out, two billion years ago, but I am a dedicated appreciator of music, and I never download anything ever

So it is a matter of running the gauntlet and hoping to survive the madness that is 'Shopping Malls' in order to get my hot little hands on whatever piece of musical bliss is rattling around in my head at that moment.  My expeditions to such places are far and few between, and though I so wish I were a 'list maker' I am not, and so I stand in the albums section of whatever 'Giant conglomerate music shop' and think whaaaaat! whaaaaaat!? am I supposed to be buying again?! 


I think the sweat and terror of the shopping mall madness create havoc inside my head, and all fails me.  I could be tapping out a tune on the steering wheel, or humming a melody in the carpark, but the moment I set foot inside those doors, the task at hand and the many obstacles in my path to music glory rattle me, and I forget.  So, yes I have wanted this album for a long time, but yes, it has taken me all that time to steel my nerves and actually get the transaction done. 

But, the wait was well worth it indeed.  This piece of musical magic, which I described to a fellow listener as 'so subtle, yet so emotive' has my heart. It's one of those beauties, where the more you listen, the more electric sparks fly inside your being, and the more your heart beats, and the more you feel alive. Oh yeah! I dig it.


Much love ..xx

Monday 18 July 2011

Yay Crochet Giveaway

Oh winter-time, how I love thee so.  The opportunity to wrap myself in glorious warming pieces of crochet bliss.

After eye-spying a friend's pinterest boards, I found these lovely little gems.
And I think they're just the cutest little winter warmers I've ever come across. Toasty Tootsies oh my!

The pattern for these little gems, entitled 'Ladies Milky Slippers' (how perfect indeed) can be found on Etsy here and is created by the lovely Vita from Mon Petit Violon

I simply couldn't resist a little bit of milky warmth, and had to make myself these gorgeous little slippers. Which, is exactly what I did this rainy weekend.

And, as I mentioned, there are treats in store for all the wonderful people who have hurrah'd and hooray'd me on this expedition into blogging.  As a thank you for your kind words, support and love, every single person who would like a little milky goodness can have some.

All you have to do is comment on this post before Monday next week, with the measurement of your footsies, your favourite colour, and your email address, and I will whip you up some slippers of your very own.

Does that sound good?

Thanks you wonderful people.

Much love ..xx

Sunday 17 July 2011

This Week I'm grateful for... a little rain

This week I am grateful for a little rain.  For the whole weekend.  It meant that I had a perfectly acceptable reason to get under the blanket and stay on the couch. For the whole weekend.  It meant that balls of yarn were scattered at my feet, and my hook in hand, and crochet magic was woven. 
It meant that the sky was a lovely shade of gunpowder grey, and that every piece of greenery in my garden shone with a great vibrance and dewey lustre. I had a granny square knee rug, a pair of super-slippers, and copious cups of tea to warm my bones, so a sweet weekend indeed.

On the note of crochet treats, I happen to have unintentionally gifted my camera cord to a new home, and so while there are plenty of crochet tid-bits to share, the camera to computer relationship is not a happening thing.  But, there is a surprise in store very shortly, (for all four of you! hah!)in relation to said crochet treats, so perhaps under wraps is a good way to keep it for now. Just wait and seeeeeee....

Thanks be to Maxabella for letting me share my gratitudes, albeit in a tardy fashion. I love your space and your pretty face. If you want to see what the world is grateful for,go look here.

Love, love, love ..xx

Friday 15 July 2011

{This Moment}

As inspired by SouleMama

Wooo Pinterest!

I finally got around to sorting myself out a Pinterest account.
Yay for me!
I haven't pinned a single thing as yet, but no doubt I will go stark ravers any moment now.
If you're on there, and want to see my empty (but not for long) boards

This is me:

If you want an invite, let me know

Much love ..xx

Thursday 14 July 2011

I shot myself

So often, bloggers are so busy behind the lens, capturing fabulous shots of the things happening around them, that we never get to see the actual people who inspire us all on a daily basis. Sometimes a shoe or a hand might appear here and there, but in ode to all the wonderful people, hiding behind that lens, here is 'I shot myself'.

Show me who you are. Draw your guns and fire.

Join in. Get creative.
Much love ..xx

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Maxabella Interviewing Me

After guffawing at a rather humourous post by the lovely Maxabella, I was invited (well, not me per se, but all the bloggers out there) to follow suit, and really, I couldn't resist.  So, here is my follow on from her wonderful post Me Interviewing Me.

My earliest memory is...Of my baby brother being born, I was about three, and I wasn't present for the birth, but I do remember going to visit my family at the hospital, and sitting beside a grey radiator heater by the window, and the smell of fresh meat. Mmmmmm
My school report usually said... (always said) Would achieve better results if she applied herself.
My first relationship... Was with the boy who lived next door. We were six, and our older sisters made us kiss. I don't recall ever liking him though.
I don't like talking about... Money
My most treasured possession is... My guitar, bought as a birthday gift from the Birdman.
My father always told me... hmmmm... nothing of recollection, perhaps "You'd achieve more if you applied yourself"
In the movie of my life, I'd be played by... Bill Murray
I wish I had... A pet pig
I wish I hadn't... let the hairdresser experiment with a 'short and shaggy' aka boy haircut when I was 18, slightly chubby and very sensitive
My most humiliating moment was... sitting on the edge of the table at a pub, accidentally falling backwards, somersaulting, landing on my head, and coming up for air as the entire pub gave me a standing ovation.
My guiltiest pleasure is... caramello chocolate for breakfast
My last meal would be... anything but mango or ginger. I love all food.

If you're so inclined, I would love to see your answers to these questions too.

All about {Tack}

On a mission to get the world sticking together.

If you are a creative/arty/imaginative being, check out the new blog page Tack

Read about, and get involved in the Tack project here.

Invite your friends, and don your glue-stick.

Email if you want to get involved.

I hope you do ..xx

Dreaming of Home

I am a (small) city dweller.
I  live in an inner suburb of a somewhat thriving little hub, namely the Gold Coast.
I cannot say 'I love my city' for in a list of pro's and con's, the latter outweighs. There are many fantastic benefits of living so close to the shores, and the sun,

Beaching with Birdman

and in comparison to places I've lived before, such as Melbourne, there is definitely a more relaxed pace of life (although I miss Melbourne town and its vibrancy oh so often!) But I find the (generalising here!) attitude of the citie's inhabitants rather off putting, and hard to grasp. Materialism reigns supreme, and superficiality is Queen Bee.

The move here was somewhat spontaneous, in the form of gilted lovers (me) and a
pack what you can fit in a suitcase and escape to the sun, leave your life behind and run
attitude. I had no knowledge of the Sunshine state, or the mindset, culture (or lack thereof) or happenings of the Gold Coast, but it was simply a destination on my march (well flight) to freedom, so it suited me just fine.

I had visions of a stopover here on a new life adventure to the Bahamas, where I would spend my days incognito, fishing lazily from the side of a vibrant yellow boat, as the waves lolled in, and the sun beamed down.  But then the Birdman found me.  So I stayed.

And, this town is definitely not my 'home' but, the t-shirt says it all, wherever he is, I am. And, while life ensues around us, we dream of a place we both will call home.

And busy little birds we are! Studying, and working, and living indeed!  But, we both dream of our next adventure, which we spend lazy Sundays on blankets rambling on about together. A little piece of land, some chickens, a few golden haired, gumbooted babes, and unlike our current abode with only walls dividing our lives and the lives of others, space, to roam, and be free and not hear the neighbours chewing their food.

I hang on the coat tails of people who share my dream and are lucky enough to make them happen.  Like this lovely lady with her crafty space, and this lucky lady has pretty much got my dreams in hand, and this woman, well she's living out my dream in every inch of it's entirety.

We have a gameplan, and even a timeframe to work to, and every now and then, I indulge my little dreams and tap them into the domain search engine to see what awaits us upon arrival.
And, I'm always joyus and excited about what I find.

This (be still my beating heart) was found just the other day, and epitomises everything I could ever wish for.

All images from Domain

and now all this little cabin needs to do is wait, patiently, for us to arrive... home.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

30 days, 30 songs (the secondary)

So, if you aren't in the loop, read the first post on this musical ramble, and catch yo'self up.
I contemplated the intense boredom that would ensue (mainly for myself!) if I simply rattled off song titles day after day for a month straight. After all, there is living to do right? And how could I possibly neglect Sunny day stories, and movie rav-iews if I was busy hunting down musical tid-bits?
Sooo.... every Tuesday for the next 30 days is now Tunesday.  Mmmmhmm!

And, on that list, perhaps the hardest bullet-point to placate. What is your least favourite song? Mmmm??

What's the frequency Kenneth?    Source

I know there are plenty that make me squirm, lots that make me flick the dial over, and many that cause me to break out in a rash, and take 'ill to bed for days on end'. But that said, even with my utter distaste for a particular piece of musical vom, I am still wary of slapping them up on here, for all (well, perhaps a few) to peruse, and consider as my most hated smoragsbord of bad music.

After all, there is someone, somewhere, who wrote and sang, and recorded that piece of musical filth. They are sitting in a faux leather lounger someplace, drinking (I would imagine) artificial grape soda , with some or other dirty reality-tv show humming in the background and thinking to themselves "Damn! Musical magic, right there! I'm da' bomb!" (and yes, they would be inarticulate enough to actually say that!)

So, as much as I may consider these musical monstrosities 'heinous' in every vowel happy connotation of the word, I will refrain from smashing their purple-soda drinking dreams, by stating, that in fact, their song would do well to line to bowels of my not-so-pleasant garbage bin.  After all, each to their own, everyone can have their taste and eat it too, and besides, who am I to say that I have an impeccable musical palate? (Damn right I do, but for argument's sake, let's at least consider it.)

So, you 'movin'-on-up' people of the world, enjoy your sodas, kick back on your faux leather lounger, and bask, my dear musical mudflaps, in the glory of your creations. My intense loathing of your musical massacres shall remain unspoken.


Movin' on up, you're movin....

Love, love ..xx

Monday 11 July 2011

Sunday fun

Oh what a day!

The restful Sunday that I so wished for was a happening thing, and joyful and relaxing indeed.

First there was a sun-speckled blanket, just as I imagined, with the Birdman lying at my side. We read, lay about, and so enjoyed the way that the winter sun warmed our bones and our souls alike. Tis such a different thing, the winter sun, the way that it really seeps inside your skin, like a warm liquid, and makes your insides feel right.

After that, we made a rash decision to go and watch a movie at the Arts Centre.  I say rash, because normally, movie theatres and me, they are certainly not the best match.  I pretty much baulk at anything coming out of Hollywood, have not picked a new release off the shelf since I was about 15, and am nearly always dissapointed by lack-lustre cinematic efforts. In fact, the last time I went to the movies was about 2 years ago, and I walked out about 30 minutes in in complete and utter disgust. 
So, to say I was optimistic would be a lie, but I had nowhere to be, and nothing to do, so why not fly with the Birdman, and see where we landed?

And, can I just say? Complete. Movie. Magic!
I laughed, as did everyone in the cinema, until I cried.  Understated, Fantastic, Comedic, Brilliant.
The movie?  The Trip. One thing I am certainly not? A movie critic (unless that means critical of almost all movies) but I will say this...Go see it! Do!


Sunday fun indeed.  Hooray for life ..xx

Saturday 9 July 2011

This Week I'm grateful for... a rest


I work two (well, almost three if you count the extra bits and bobs I dabble in) jobs, six days a week, every single week. Did I mention that I am also a full-time student? So, the one day I get off is consumed with study.

I love (almost all) of the work I do, and am thankful that I have the opportunity to be busy, and making money, and living a rewarding life, don't get me wrong, but sometimes (especially lately) I am busy! Real busy!

I work with kiddiewinks, in the hours outside the school day, and as it is the school holidays, there have been a mighty number of outside school hours of late.

As of Monday, the school holidays are done and dusted, and with it so shall be my 60 hour working weeks.

So, This Sunny Sunday (planning and hoping ahead) I shall be grateful indeed for a lovely woven blanket, in a little spot of dappled sun,  a man I love, and a not-a-care-in-the-world attitude.

Head over to Maxabella Loves to find out what everyone else is grateful for this week.

Saturday Space Out (the inside scoop)

I see people saying all the time that their craft space/studio/cupboard in the wall is a bomb-site of mass proportions.

I also see images of craft spaces that make me envious beyond fathomable possibilities, and lustful of colour co-ordination, and white walls, and inspiration boards oh my!

Like this...


and this...


Unfortunately, I currently fit in the first category, and a 'bomb-site to behold' could be the only possible descriptive phrase for my poor little creative den right at this moment.

(This is not my craft space, but I do feel somewhat of an affinity with this image ahem!)


 I am inspired to make it a beautiful, wonderful, delightful little place to work, and dream, and create, and so....

As a challenge to myself, and you dear reader, if you so desire to play along, Saturday Space Out is all about snapping and sharing your craft space glory (or not as may be the case). No frills, no bells and whistles, as it is, fluff and fabric scraps and frenzy galore.

If you are, by chance, one of those lucky people who already has a lust-inspiring, dagger-eye's enducing craft space, then feel free to share something equally (no doubt) impressive that you've been working on in your little spacey space.  And, if by chance you are yet to be the lucky owner of a craft space, show us how you adapt your little nest, and where your crafting is done.
Hopefully, if you're like me, and your craft space induces only sighs and thoughts of 'how the heck did it get like this!?' then this will challenge us all to whip things into shape, and get them portrait ready at least once a week.

Create a post on your bloggety blog all about your craft space, and link it up back here, so we can all admire your little corner of the crafting world.

Love, love, love, all you need is ..xx

Let's Go Shopping - The Warmth

Okay, so I'm really new around these blogging parts, (very new indeed) so if you're here, it's most likely you've found this post through Brisstyle, so let's save the explanation of what 'Let's Go Shopping' is all about, cause I'm figuring you already know right?

If perchance, you don't, head over to the Brisstyle blog, find out all about what these funky peeps are doing, and get up on your soapbox and shout out loud ya'll!

Enough of the chit-chat, let's go shopping.....

You'd be a fool if you thought winter was on it's way out, not yet my pretties, and rather than be a fool, I'd prefer to be toastie warm, and kitted out in some of these fine finds. An ode to chill, in neutral tones (so it appears as I re-examine my finds)

Stay warm, stay joyful, stay free ..xx





Monday 4 July 2011

A beginning....

Hello, and welcome to this little space of web glory, thanks so much for stopping by.

Ada and the Birdman is a brand new, blossoming little business, run from home, made with love, filled with joy.  Currently at the very early stages, dipping toes, and testing waters, and going on a merry ride.
All sorts of fantastic, and delightful things are swirling about in the minds of Ada and her Birdman, but as yet they are simply dreams and desires, with nothing more to show.  So, I thought that we would start by filling this space with something very simple,  something done to death, but yet, something marvelous that gives you, dear reader, a glimpse into the world of us.

If you have not yet heard of the 30 day song challenge list (I've only just, but have a feeling it has been around for a mighty long time, and I've just missed it completely) then dig this...
Take 30 days, add 30 songs and voila, the 30 songs in 30 days.  There is (of course) a pre-prepared etiquette to the song choice, as decided by someone unbeknownst to me.  But, for the sake of the game, and a place to begin, let's roll with that shall we?

Here is the song-list curriculum in it's entirety.

Day 01: Your favourite song
Day 02: Your least favourite song
Day 03: A song that makes you happy
Day 04: A song that makes you sad
Day 05: A song that reminds you of someone
Day 06: A song that reminds of you of somewhere
Day 07: A song that reminds you of a certain event
Day 08: A song that you know all the words to
Day 09: A song that you can dance to
Day 10: A song that makes you fall asleep
Day 11: A song from your favourite band
Day 12: A song from a band you hate
Day 13: A song that is a guilty pleasure
Day 14: A song that no one would expect you to love
Day 15: A song that describes you
Day 16: A song that you used to love but now hate
Day 17: A song that you hear often on the radio
Day 18: A song that you wish you heard on the radio
Day 19: A song from your favorite album
Day 20: A song that you listen to when you’re angry
Day 21: A song that you listen to when you’re happy
Day 22: A song that you listen to when you’re sad
Day 23: A song that you want to play at your wedding
Day 24: A song that you want to play at your funeral
Day 25: A song that makes you laugh
Day 26: A song that you can play on an instrument
Day 27: A song that you wish you could play
Day 28: A song that makes you feel guilty
Day 29: A song from your childhood
Day 30: Your favourite song at this time last year

And, what better place to start than at the spectacular numero uno? None! You wildly scream, and you would indeed be correct! So lets, shall we?

So, of course, they start the sequence with an impossibility.  How, can anyone rightly have a (just the one) favourite song? Something that unless your taste in music is as broad as a match stick, I highly doubt could possibly occur.  It would also require I suspect, an emotional spectrum that rises and falls zip, zilch, zero! 

My moods change, my musical desires differ. A song perfect for a particular time-and-place is somewhat null-and-void in others. There are songs to fit emotions, and situations, and places, and people.  Which I'm guessing is why the list spans a whole 30 days.

But, well you've got to start somewhere I guess, and why not with a big bang? In determining what is a 'favourite' I've considered those songs that are always with me.  Thost songs that have stood the test of time, and no matter when, where, how far in the future, will always have that heartbeat rattling, mind melting effect (given of course the pre-determined criteria mentioned above)

So, here are some of my favourite songs....

And there, in my mind's eye, a tasty little flavoursome favoursome musical treat.

Love, love, love